Theme for the month? Baby on the move! Yes, baby burrito has become more mobile. He's mastered flipping from front to back and has started flipping from back to front this past week. He enjoys pushing of with his legs but hasn't learned to move his arms at the same time so he pretty much does a face plant. Pretty hilarious. He sits well supported on your lap and even sits on his own momentarily before toppling over. In terms of hand eye coordination, he reaches out and grabs things quite well now. Still not sure if he's teething or not, but he's certainly drooling a lot.
We're continuing to feed him 6.5 oz bottles during the day. His sleep patterns are consistent in that he will get sleepy about 2 hours after being awake, and he sleeps about 10-11 hours at night, sometimes with a night feeding, sometimes not. Unfortunately the amount of time he naps is pretty inconsistent, leading to rather random nap times and sometimes bedtimes. Will work on getting it more regular in the next month.
Spitting up has been better, which helps the laundry situation. However, on poop days (usually every other day now) he frequently has blowouts, which does NOT help the laundry situation. HIs hair has been slowly growing back, and seems to be a bit lighter in color although it could be my imagination. We'll see. His eyes are also turning color. You can see more and more brown coming through the middle of the iris. Can't wait to see the final result!
Overall super cute happy mellow baby. Sure when he cries, he WAILS, but hey that's what babies do right?