This past Tues was the day of my last art class. We were told to bring something we've been dying to draw and we were promised an experimental class filled with avante garde techniques and different ways of approaching art. Unfortunately, I did not make it. In retrospect, there was no good reason for missing the class. I left work at six, came home to pick up my art supplies, and then just decided I was too tired to do anything beyond lay on the couch and wait for Ryan to get home so I could tell him how tired I was.
Strangely, my mental laziness this week has been counterbalanced by my physical motivation. On Wed, I hauled my butt to the gym after work to do three 1-mile intervals, ending up with a total mileage of 4.5. Yesterday, I attended two yoga classes and rediscovered how amazingly sweaty I can get during yoga. Today, though feeling quite sore, I dragged myself outdoors to run my 5-mile tempo which I surprising finished at a 9:30 min/mile pace. Sadly, every inch of me has since stiffened up and I'm curled up on my sofa like a wizened date (poor analogy?) but at least I stuck to my guns. Now if I can only bring myself to do the long run this weekend...
Aside from that I haven't had much opportunity to cook anything particularly delicious or draw anything stellar, so the posts have been sparse. Ryan and I did go over to my friend Sophie's house last night for dinner and she made a yummy meal of pork tenderloin with a mustard wine dressing, scalloped potatoes marinated in garlic and olive oil, crisp romaine salad with balsamic vinegrette, and chocolate lava cakes with sauteed pears. Too bad we didn't take any pictures. It looked just as good as it tasted. Tonight, we're planning on meeting Ryan's family for a beer tasting event and hopefully grab some dinner afterwards. I am officially starving.
Turkey Larb
10 months ago
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