I eat a lot of junk. To avoid feeling guilty, I work out regularly. But because I work out regularly, I allow myself to eat more junk. It's really a vicious cycle. Case in point: I ran on Mon, came home and ate two brownies. To work off the brownies, I ran again today, but then came home and ate three brownies. I'll probably run again tomorrow, come home and eat more brownies. This typically continues until there is no junk food left to devour. I suppose there's nothing to complain about. I enjoy both exercise and junk food so I'm at a happy equilibrium.
Last night, I obtained some desperately needed new music. I felt obligated to check out the new Gnarls Barkley and The Whigs albums since I liked both their debut albums. I haven't listened much to either yet but I'll try to get around to it tomorrow. On recommendation of Pitchfork, I also got Frightened Rabbit which I'm enjoying thus far. It's reminiscent of Devin Davis, with its upbeat rhythmic strumming. Interestingly enough, Pitchfork reviewed Apes and Androids recently, of which Monkey's ex is one of the lead singer/guitarist! I was very excited that they got the exposure. Sounds like they're doing quite well for themselves. Anyway, these music fixes are really meant to last me until the new Wolf Parade album drops in June. Hopefully, it won't disappoint. I think I would fall into a deep dark depression if it isn't as obsession inspiring as their first album.
In addition to downloading other people's music, Ryan and I have actually been creating our own songs on the guitar. How disgustingly cute, right? To my surprise, Ryan is bizarrely creative. He's a talented drummer but is only recently learning the guitar. That's not usually a natural transition; although, I must say my piano training has not made it easy to pick up guitar either. Anyway, somehow Ryan is already pulling great chord progressions and riffs out of his ass and translating some of his old poetry into beautiful lyrics. He's already written four great songs and has new ideas by the day. Me, I've written two songs, one of which I deem a dud, and the second of which I really like but had to steal, I mean borrow, lyrics for from one of Ryan's poems. It was exciting to create something on my own but the process just doesn't come as naturally for me. Ryan flexes his music muscles like a circus strongman while I flex mine like a prepubescent boy bench pressing for the first time.
Fred is sitting next to me on my new bag which I plan to return since I ordered the same bag again on Monday when shopbop was having a 20% discount promo. Time to give her the boot, but in a loving way.
Turkey Larb
9 months ago
aw! fred so cute!
i can't believe you guys are writing songs together, hahahaha.