In addition to burning myself on Mon, I broke out in a strange allergic reaction on both Thurs and Fri night. There I was, merrily eating my Pizza Hut dinner on Thurs night, when my top lip started painfully itching and swelling. After an hour or so my top lip and left cheek had ballooned to epic proportions, making me look like I was either recovering from severe reconstructive surgery or like I had been beaten repeatedly in the mouth with a bat. Absolutely puzzled by the cause, all I could do was take two Benadryl and go to bed feeling quite sorry for myself. The next morning, my mouth was still pretty swollen so I worked from home in the morning. As the day wore on, I started looking more normal so I went to work in the afternoon and by the time I got home at 5:30pm, I was happily back to normal. Unfortunately, after eating dinner and watching the presidential debate (more to come on that) on Friday night, I noticed an itching sensation on my bottom lip this time. Uh oh. The whole thing happened again on my bottom lip!! Again, I took two Benadryl and moped to bed.
After some research online and a lot of speculation, I think I had angioedema. Sadly, I suspect it was from kissing the cats. In the past, I have broken out in mild hives around my mouth after some affectionate cat kissing so it's possible my reaction is getting worse? I vaguely remember kissing Henry on Thurs and then kissing Fred on Fri. I'm determined not to kiss any cats tonight to see if that was the cause. More to come on this experiment later.
In addition to my immune system running amok, my teeth have been rebelling as well - although that is to be expected given my track record. I had two cavities filled on Wed, one of which was very deep and close to the nerve. The dentist, who is accustomed to my squeals of pain, gave me a lot of anesthetic and I thankfully didn't feel a thing. However, he warned that if I feel pain afterwards, I might need a root canal. Like hell! I refuse to have two root canals in one year. I will just chew on the other side.
On the wedding front, I had my second dress fitting on Thurs. The tailor took in the waist and created a bustle. I brought in the shoes I plan to wear so we could finalize the hem length, but other than that everything fit perfectly. The lady at the bridal salon even directed me to the Orlane counter where they signed me up for a free facial. Whoo hoo!
Earlier this afternon, Ryan and I went to Cake, a little bakery in Mission Hills, for our cake tasting. We tried four different cakes - an almond cake with berries, a macademia cake with berries, a chocolate mousse cake and a banana truffle cake. After tasting all the different components, we came up with our own combo - dark chocolate cake with a bittersweet chocolate mousse and dark chocolate truffle layer and a raspberry fruit layer, frosted with vanilla buttercream. Mmmm can't wait! Now we need to look at some design ideas. Here are a few I like.
Turkey Larb
9 months ago
Oh baby! This is what happens when you are under stress! Make sure you are getting enough sleep--benedryl induced passing out isn't the good stuff.
Good luck figuring out what is happening with your allergies. As to cakes, the first and the third cakes look the most like you to me, although any of them would look wonderful.
Big hugs!