Yesterday Ryan and I went to the Toyota dealer and sold my Camry. While we didn't get as much as we hoped for, it was still a good chunk of change and will definitely help us buy a house next year. I thought it'd be a little sad to give up my car, but honestly my bike is awesome. It's really quite fun and exhilirating to ride around. No complaints so far. I just need to get a headlight so I don't get hit by a car at night. Just ordered on Amazon and should get it early next week.
Amongst my latest gadgets, I finally sucked it up and got a Garmin Forerunner 305 watch. It's an embedded GPS device that tracks the distance, pace, map of your run. You just upload it to your computer and voila, all the stats you could ever want to know. It's especially helpful that it calculates your moving pace by filtering out time where you're spent waiting at a light. Eager to try it out, Sophie and I went on a 3-mile tempo run today with our Garmins and while we were suppose to go at 9:30 pace, we started out much faster. I knew I couldn't sustain that pace but somehow I lasted till around mile 2.5 when I got a horrible side ache and had to walk a bit. Even with that, our overall moving pace was 9:34 so I'm sure if we hadn't walked, it would have been closer to 9:00. Sorry Sophie, I promise I'll run more outside so I can get used to the jostling :). Next time, 9:00 tempo! In other racing news, I managed to convince Ryan to run the Thanksgiving 10K race downtown with me. Should be fun - I just hope it's not too hilly.
Yesterday, I finally received the paper I ordered to make wedding menus and programs. Sweatshop Jess is OPEN!! I printed and cut 60 menus last night and need to just assembly the components together. I was so intent on the task at hand that I didn't get to bed till 1am last night. So pathetic.
Turkey Larb
9 months ago
aw you sold your car. so impulsive!
and you've got to be kidding about buying a house next year. have you seen the news.