I Heart Wall-E

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monkey just watched this movie, which reminded me that I've been meaning to post about it for the longest time! Ryan and I watched Wall-E on PPV last month and it was literally one of the cutest movies I've ever seen. I'm not very good at movie reviews but let's just say this was so cute I thought my head was going to explode. Seriously, you must watch it. If politicians watched this movie, we wouldn't be in the economic crisis that we're in (don't ask me to explain or justify this outlandish claim).

In other news, Ryan is in Vegas this week for work. While he is gone, I enter my usual routine of watching terrible tv (enter America's Best Dance Crew) and sustaining myself on rice and vegetables. At least I went to yoga after work. I probably pushed myself a bit too much considering I haven't really done yoga since before the wedding, but lord knows I'm not going to let the girl next to me bust out a partial scorpion without me doing the same!! I'll probably go again tomorrow night.

Over the weekend, I started a bit of packing, only to come to the realization that I have a ton of kitchen things I never use. Hopefully, I'll make some more progress this week but honestly, we're only moving a few houses down. Ultimately, I'm sure we'll just throw things in garbage bags and hustle them over like bandits in the night.


3 Responses to "I Heart Wall-E"

Monkey said... February 9, 2009 at 10:33 PM

i love wall-e!!! aaaahhhh!!!

and, you are so competitive!

(mmm mac n cheese delicioso)

busy mama said... February 9, 2009 at 10:55 PM

Wall-e is such a great movie... If you ever want to see it again ask me we bought it for the kiddos.... in us. Good job on the yoga, just so you know I would have done the same (push too hard).

JV said... February 10, 2009 at 1:03 PM

We love Wall-E too! Competitive sistahs ROCK! I have stuff from my wedding 6 years ago I've never used. Really nice stuff, too. But the diff between you and me is that you cook, and I...well... I try.