- On Friday, we went to Spike and Frog's for a late bday (Badge's) + early Father's day party. The usual cast and crew attended, plus one super hyper dog. There were many pizzas from Regents Pizzeria, a local joint we recently discovered, and ice cream, cake, AND ice cream cake for dessert. Afterwards, we busted out the Cranium. I love this game!! Definitely need to plan a Cranium party soon. Anyone up for the challenge?

- On Saturday, I went to yoga while Badge went to soccer. In the afternoon, we started watching the complete series of The Wire which Spike and Frog gave Badge for his bday. Can't wait to rewatch it all again. It's really so good. Around 6, we went up to Cardiff for a jam session at a coworker's house. It was fun even though I embarrassed myself singing. Badge was still great on the drums despite not having played in ~4 years, and we were both surprised to find that we could still play rhythm guitar decently well despite not having played in ~1 year. I really need to practice either guitar or piano on a regular basis. Too much to do...
- On Sunday, I went to yoga and then cleaned and puttered around the garden. I had to thin out the swiss chard but couldn't bring myself to throw away the ones I dug up so I planted them randomly throughout my flower beds hehe. We'll see if they survive. In between The Wire episodes, Badge and I went to Henry's for groceries. That pretty much catches up to now. Time for more episodes!
where's wallace string? WHERE'S WALLACEEEEEEE
CRANIUM, BABY! We play girls vs. boys... obviously an unfair advantage as the girls are undefeated...