Last night, we went with Spike and Frog to see Sammy the musical at the Old Globe theater in Balboa Park. To be honest I didn't know who Sammy Davis Jr was before they invited us. But hey, I like musicals so I was in. A quick trip down Wiki road revealed that Mr. Davis was in fact a muli-talented black Jewish entertainer of Rat Pack fame. Who knew?
When we arrived, I was surprised by how nice the Old Globe theater is. It's tucked away off the main path so I've never seen it before. Very rustic and quaint (using quaint in a non-patronizing, comfy and homey way). The show itself was very well done. I would have probably enjoyed it more if I was familiar with that whole era, but overall I still thought it was an impressive musical. Maybe a few songs from the first act could be cut (looong first act). The lead actor (Sammy) gave a stellar performance and the woman who played his grandma had a very memorable voice. After the show ended, we had a late night dinner at City Delicatessen in Hillcrest. I stuffed myself with fries and tuna melt sandwich. Mmm.
Tonight, I've flying solo. Badge has abandoned me to play in 3 consecutive soccer games. Yes, 3. He is out of his mind. knee still hurts so no go on yoga. Instead I've been obsessively watching an anime on Netflix (just finished). Now I'm making noodle soup and trying to think of something to bake that will use up the rest of my eggs. I'd like to make flan but I don't have condensed milk. Time to do some research on my favorite recipe sites....stay tuned...
Turkey Larb
11 months ago
oh give me your flan recipe.
make kasutera cake!!