Seriously? The first work week of 2010 is over and both Badge and I are already burnt out. We've been been working like maniacs.
MANIACS I TELL YOU!! *twitch twitch*
For me, I'm working on a big project (not announced yet so I can't describe further). Work days have gone well into the night. It's no fun leaving the office at 7 only to go home and work until midnight. I even went into the office this morning to fix up the GUI. Blah.
Like Busy Mama, I just completed my self evaluation, which was really due yesterday. I always find my answers a bit cheesy but whatever. I've just submitted it and there's nothing to be done about it.
On to more interesting things...
My new year's resolutions are coming along OK. I made my glorious return to the Illumina gym on Wed for a pathetic 2.7 mile run (of which I probably walked 0.5 miles). It sucks starting over with running. My legs have been retardedly sore all week. On Tues and Thurs, I went to the lunchtime yoga at work because it was free. Thursday night, I went to real yoga at the studio and had my ass handed to me. Meant to go to yoga today but work got in the way. Even though I wasn't able to exercise as much as I wanted to this week, I've still lost some holiday pounds. Probably because I've been too busy to eat much and my muscles are atrophying. Poo. Skinny and flabby is not the goal. At least, there's yoga tomorrow.
In other misc news, I've been needing a watch for a while now so I ordered an Android watch off Gilt. It's pretty simple, nothing fancy, which is just want I wanted. Plus it was on sale from 69 to 35, and I had a 25 credit, so it was only 15 after shipping! Booyah.
We also got a Roku so we can watch Netflix stuff instantly (I've been hogging the queue recently with BSG). Will try it out tonight. Lastly, the second installment of my Jacques Torres chocolates came this week: champagne truffles in the shape of little corks!
I heart Mr. Chocolate.
Turkey Larb
9 months ago
dude I have yet to complete my stooopid self evaluation... Can't doing the work be enough! seriously!