It's just past midnight. I've spent the last couple hours doing work while finishing up the last episodes of Battlestar Galactica Season 3. And now, because Badge is not here to scold me for a) doing work late b) staying on the computer all day and night, I am writing a post.
So today, Illumina announced our new sequencer, the HiSeq 2000 (this is the project I've been working on the past few months writing software for). It's a huge deal because it's major milestone in sequencing. Very exciting stuff, I just hope we get all our ducks in a row before launch (and that it performs well in the field). As expected, our stock price leaped up (~15%) whoo hoo!
In more random news, I've ordered a Blackberry Tour which is arriving tomorrow. I need to be here to sign for the package so I'll be working from home. UPS graciously gave me the very specific window of 8am - 7pm, but I'm hoping they'll come in the morning so I can still hightail it to work. I've also switched from AT&T to Credo, which seems to be a socially and environmentally responsible company. They make donations to worthy causes and even let you vote where they should donate. Nice to see a company making the effort. Plus they use the Sprint network which is suppose to be much better than AT&T's. We'll see.
On Monday, I was planning to run at the gym but realized I left my lunch and a video card (to install a third monitor at work) at home. So, I decided to jog home, retrieve the articles, and jog back for a total of 3 miles. GOOD LORD it was hot that day!! Felt like 80, I was dying. On the way back, I had to carry a bag full of stuff (much larger than I had anticipated) and it made for an awkward half run/walk. All in all, I probably ran 2 miles and walked 1. Oh well, at least I tried.
Today I went to yoga which I almost bailed on because of work. An hour before class I was starving so I bought a 100 grand bar and a Twix double bar. I only meant to eat one, but of course I ate both. As anticipated, I felt mighty ill through the first part of class, esp in natarajasana. But it was a good hard class and I'm glad I went.
On a final note, I've been really into homemade nachos all week. Layer of chips, layer of beans, some delicious Whole Foods Chilean Salsa (that stuff is like crack), and sour cream. I ran out of cheddar cheese on my last nacho batch. Good stuff.
Turkey Larb
9 months ago
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