What have I been up to...
First, lots of exercising. I've been sticking to my schedule of running 3 miles 3x a week and going to yoga 3-4x a week. Last Friday, I even joined Busy Mama for a leisurely 3.8 mile run outside. I haven't run outside in ages. Surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, it wasn't bad at all. Quite enjoyable. I'll have to start running outside more often (soon as I get my iPhone armband). On Sunday, I went with a fellow yogi Jen to the Ashtanga Yoga Center in South Carlsbad. If you're familiar with Ashtanga, then you know this is the studio of Tim Miller, one of the most prominent Ashtanga teachers in the United States. Most of our Four Seasons teachers practice there, so we were intrigued. The First Series class was quite crowded but we found a nice spot at the back of the room. Though I sweated buckets, I still enjoyed my practice. There was a slightly scary assistant teacher/drill sergeant who would occasionally come around and pry you into position with no regard for your flexibility level, but other than that I had a nice experience.
The previous Sunday, to the displeasure of everyone else in class, I requested we try a new yoga pose I saw online: Yoni Dandasana.
Yup, that's your foot bent backwards so your toe is pointing behind you. This turned out to be quite easy for me (I had a suspicion it would be, hence my request). I'm strangely flexible in ways like this, though quite inflexible in other ways. Yoni Dandasana of course led to: Mulabandhasana.
Yup, that's both feet bent backwards. I could still do this, which makes me wonder if I was doing it correctly. Will try again later in the week.
Aside from working out, I've been gardening. All goes well. The little veggie patch is filling out. I'm starting to get flowers on the zucchini and cucumber plants. Must keep watchful eye and prepare to pollinate!
Most of the tomato plants are doing well, though some of the seedlings are stunted in growth. I'll probably just throw those out.
The peach tree is looking pretty weighed down with it's bounty.
Can't wait to eat you.
Look, our first pea! So small...
Even our fig tree has 7-8 tiny figs growing on it. Hooray! In final garden news, our compost is finally coming along. Yes, that compost we started last year but sorely neglected. I give it another month or so for the dozens of worms in there to do their magic.
To end, here's Henry, who makes this bed of rocks look like a bed of goose feathers.
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