The Business of Being Born

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

On Mon, I made Badge watch The Business of Being Born, a documentary recommended by my yoga teacher. It's about the birthing industry here in the United States, particularly as it relates to hospitals and doctors. I'm too lazy to sum it up nicely but I got a few key takeaways:

1) In Europe and Japan, midwives administer 70% of births as compared to a measly 8% in the US. The documentary contained lots of footage of at-home deliveries with a midwife that actually seemed kind of pleasant. Well, there was still lots of pain since they were all completely natural births, but it did seem nice to move around as you pleased and in the comforts of your own home.
2) OB doctors are first and foremost, surgeons. They are primarily trained for complications that arise, not for normal natural birth. Never thought of it like that.
3) Intervention is often unnecessary and can lead to a snowball effect, i.e. they induce contractions, which in turn leads to more pain, which in turn leads to an epidural, which in turn slows the contractions, which in turn leads to more meds to induce contractions, etc.

It was a very interesting movie. I'm not sure I agree with everything but it certainly was an eye opener. Despite the attractive case they made for at-home delivery, my pregnant ass will still be at the hospital, because this is my first child and who knows, something might go wrong (God forbid). However, I would be open to the possibility of having subsequent children at home or with a midwife. I guess it depends on how the first goes.

One thing I did change my mind about was having an epidural. Before watching this movie, I was absolutely convinced that I want one, but now I think I'd really like to try having an all natural birth. Sure I may change my mind the minute I go into labor, but I'd really like to try and see how it goes.

And with that rambling review, I end with a four star rating. Worth watching (esp since it's available instant on Netflix). Definitely worth watching if you're expecting a child.


3 Responses to "The Business of Being Born"

Monkey said... March 10, 2011 at 2:17 PM

omg. OW!!

Monkey said... March 10, 2011 at 2:17 PM

read up on cloth diapers. i think they're the way to go!

JV said... March 11, 2011 at 2:11 PM

Just remember to own your experience, even if some things are out of your control. I know a lot of gals who were super disappointed bc of emergency c sections, but in the end, a baby is a baby is a baby, right? You'll end up with a bunny-badge no matter how it goes.