To Sushi or Not To Sushi

Friday, March 18, 2011

I'll be honest...I've sushi'd three times since finding out I'm pregnant.

Yes, my doctor told me no raw fish.
No, I'm not blase about my baby's health.
Yes, I understand there's a small risk of parasitic infection.
No, I don't want lots of mercury in my system.

Despite this, it really is my firm belief that everything is ok in moderation (except maybe pro wrestling). If you go to a restaurant you trust (for us, that's Edo Sushi, our little neighborhood restaurant) and have frequented many times, chances are pretty slim that the one time you happen to be dining there, they serve you bad fish. I know many women who wouldn't risk it, which is totally cool, I'm not arguing that they're paranoid or anything. But for me, I'm ok with it. I mean, look at the photo above (courtesy of some random site). How can I deny that?

Of course, I'm limiting my indulgences to once a month or less. Since I only really eat salmon during the regular week, I probably don't have to worry too much about mercury from one "sensual pleasure" roll (scallop and spicy tuna mmm) and some yellowtail pieces (mmm).


3 Responses to "To Sushi or Not To Sushi"

Monkey said... March 18, 2011 at 9:33 PM

amen!! i'm so jealous of your sushi eatings. i really want some.

JV said... March 19, 2011 at 5:01 PM

Millions of pregnant Japanese women eat sushi. I'm sure it's fine :)

Kara Coleen said... March 22, 2011 at 10:18 AM

Amen sister!