Crib Time

Friday, July 15, 2011

Hooray, our crib is finally set up! Many thanks to Spike and Frog for getting this as our gift, and much props to Badge for finding this beautiful crib in the first place. It's made by a design studio in LA that specializes in modern sustainable furniture. The crib took a while to make (made here in the US of course), but it was well worth the wait. I am quite found of the elephant print on the sheets. Too cute.

This weekend I will work on drawing artwork for the walls. I'm thinking as a follow on project to the artwork, I will attempt to make my own mobile. Stay tuned!


1 Response to "Crib Time"

Monkey said... July 16, 2011 at 9:34 AM

omg soooooooooooo cute! i love it. nice assembly.