Overall, things are going very well. During the day, Max is a happy little nugget of joy. He started smiling around 6 weeks (where we were positive it wasn't a gas smile) and has even started laughing a little in the last couple days. He's super alert when he's awake. Loves to be around people and look around, but is still pretty content to play on his own in his little playpen with all the bright objects. He'll even coo and babble at stuffed animals for half an hour without anyone having to entertain him. Too cute.
On the sleep front, he's gotten much better since the 2 month mark. Now he'll sleep a 5 hour block followed by a 4 hour block at night. It varies a bit day by day but hopefully it'll get more regular as he grows. He still won't sleep on his back so we bought a movement monitor and put him on his tummy. It's really given me peace of mind at night. I also got bumpers because he scoots around the crib a lot and once bumped his head hard enough to wake up and scream. Poor little man. During the day he still won't nap unless held but hopefully that's a bad habit that he will out grow (otherwise we'll have to try to break him of it in another month). At least for now my mom and aunt are back so there are plenty of willing arms to hold him day and night.
At 6 weeks, we took him to the doctor's and here were his stats:
Weight: 11lb 12oz (92nd percentile)
Height: 22.25 inches (76th percentile)
Head circumference: 15.75 inches (87th percentile)
I was a bit confused why he was in such a high percentile for weight since he doesn't look fat. When I plugged his weight into online calculators it would say he's in the 75th percentile. Maybe because he gained weight quickly they put him in a higher percentile? Who knows. Anyway, he's certainly growing well. He also had his first set of vaccinations at that visit. He had a mild fever after but unfortunately he got sick the next day! We're pretty sure it's because Badge was sick and passed it around the house (my mom got sick a few days later). It was pretty nerve wracking to have such a young baby with a cold but luckily he got over it in a week. We're not due to go back to the ped until 3.5 months when he receives his next set of vaccinations.
With regards to bodily functions, he poops 2-3 times a day although yesterday he seemed to poop less and today he only pooped one small go (I think breastfed babies start to poop less around this time). He spits up often but nothing too concerning. Hopefully he'll outgrow that soon because it certainly has made for a LOT of laundry.
That's all I can think of. This post is mostly so I can remember the state of affairs for when we have our next child. Otherwise I'm pretty sure I'll forget in another month!
Here are some of my favorite pics so far.
1st Month:
2nd Month:
Many more pics on his 1st month, and 2nd month on Picasa.
i'm dying, he's soooooooo cute! i'm glad everything is getting easier, especially since i'm due for a visit in two weeks!