Baby State of Affairs: 7 months

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I just realized I never posted a 7 month update! Oops. Let me try to recount how things were looking at the 7 month mark...

Sleep - Still taking 2 naps a day. Was consistently waking up once a night ever since he got sick. *sigh*

Food - Eating 2 meals a day (1 meal of puree and 1 meal of rice powder). Taking 3 bottles of 6.5 oz milk during the day, and a night time feeding from mama before bed.

Teeth - He's got 2 teeth ahhhhhh!!! Baby Burrito sprouted a tooth around the 6.5 week mark. Then he sprouted his second just after turning 7 months. Crazy! Thankfully he hasn't been nipping at me with his new appendages. Hopefully that continues to be the case.

Mobility - Getting more and more agile. Started scooting a bit on his belly.

Social - He pretty much giggles at anything now. Loves to jump up and down in his jumper. Seems to have no stranger anxiety at all since we've pretty much been passing him around to total strangers (new relatives in LA, friends at Kara's party).

All together - super cute!!


1 Response to "Baby State of Affairs: 7 months"

Kimmy said... May 2, 2012 at 8:31 PM

wow- sounds like an amazing trip!