
Sunday, August 12, 2012

AHHH Baby Burrito has baby measles!! I have no idea how he contracted this given that he's been home all week with Ah Ma. Badge and I take him on short walks when we get home from work but we don't take him out of the stroller. It's really a puzzle where he picked this up.

Nevertheless, Big Baby Burrito Head woke up with a fever on Friday. It lasted all day despite the tylenol we gave him. It was gone Saturday morning only to be replaced by a red rash that slowly spread all over his body. After some frantic googling, I decided Roseola was the likely culprit. Also known as "baby measles" (not to be confused with normal measles which I guess is much more serious), Roseola starts with a high fever usually lasting 3-5 days. Once the fever clears, a pink or red rash appears for several days. Aside from the fever, the baby usually seems otherwise healthy, i.e. no runny nose, cough, or congestion. Although Max only had a fever for 1-1.5 days, he seemed to follow this pattern. No cold symptoms, currently covered in an unsightly rash. We called the nurse on call at the hospital and she agreed that it sounded like Roseola. Not much to do except wait it out.

The rash doesn't seem so bad in these pictures but it's really much more red in person. Poor Little Man looks diseased. At least he doesn't seem to notice. That's all that matters. To recovery!


1 Response to "Roseola"

Kimbo said... August 12, 2012 at 10:11 PM

Poor Maxie!! hope he is ok now