Wedding Update

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I mailed out the invitations today! I even got some cute sunflower stamps from the post office and some cute fern seals from Michael's. Slowly but surely, we're checking things off our to-do list...

Next week:
- Dress fitting #2
- Cake tasting

Ok that's not much of an update, but I guess if you're not privy to my numerous spreadsheets, then I don't care to go into more detail. A couple random thoughts: I am thinking of making my own edible wedding favors. Truffles immediately came to mind but were quickly replaced by fudge as the top contender for delicious and easy to make treats. I'll probably test out a recipe in the next couple of weeks.

I'm also sad to report that I've been having wedding nightmares of late. The nightmares typically follow the same plot line. It's my wedding day. I'm in my dress ready to walk down the aisle, but wait where's the photographer? Oh yes, I never told her what time to show up. What about the vows? Oh right, I forgot to write them. It slowly dawns on me that I've forgotten key components of my wedding. With sad sinking disappointment, I walk down the aisle hoping to wing it once I'm up at the top. Then I wake up. This scene typically varies but that's the general gist. What's wrong with me?

In less stressful news, Ann got us a Kitchen Aid mixer! Yaaaaaaaay. I've wanted one for forever. Can't wait to use it. I think I'll break it in by baking some bread this weekend. Mmmmm carbs...


2 Responses to "Wedding Update"

Monkey said... September 19, 2008 at 5:15 AM

my dress is here! that was really fast. i'm going to go pick it up tomorrow. i'll let you know how it looks.

Monkey said... September 20, 2008 at 6:42 PM

i picked up my dress today! i think it might be a little baggy in the chest area, but i'm hoping once i tighten the straps a little it won't look as baggy. what do you think?