Stupid Hills

Monday, November 3, 2008

On Sunday, I ran the Komen 5K Race for the Cure. As I mentioned in a previous post, I sprained a toe the day before and while it was quite painful pivoting on my foot, it was actually ok when moving forward in a straight line. Having been warned of a large hill at the end, I was none too excited to compete. However, once the gun went off and the adrenaline started pumping, I took off at a pretty good speed and managed to maintain it past mile 2. Then the hill came. Um, this was no gentle hill. This was a beast almost as steep as the torrey pines hill! Bleh. I ended up walking part of it but once it flattened out, I sprinted to the finish line. My overall pace turned out to be 9:34 min/mile which I'm pretty happy with. Now I'm considering running the 10K thanksgiving day race downtown with Sophie. It looked like a pretty flat course which would be a god send.

Afterwards we met up with Kevin (who won his age division) and the parents (who came to watch) and went downtown for bunch. But first, we had a show down between Ryan and his dad for who squeezed into the tighter parking spot. The first is Ron's parking spot. Very respectable. The second is Ryan's parking spot. WTF?? We were all dumbfounded. We're convinced he hired some circus strongmen to lift his car into that spot. Especially ridiculous considering he had to do a 10 point turn coming outta that.

Here's the latest status on the toe. It's a nice shade of purple with a bit of blue. I went to a yoga class earlier today and everything seemed ok so long as I tried to be gentle with it. Whew. Nothing would be worse than injuring myself beyond yoga or running.

On Sunday afternoon, I did some shopping for wedding decorations and then went to town designing a ceremony program and a dinner menu. Once I've finalized my designs, it'll be a sweatshop in my house as I crank out goods. Also, tonight I tried out a fudge recipe which was pretty easy to make and is currently setting up in the fridge. I can't wait to take a bite in the morning and see how it turned out. For presentation, I'm going to order some small favor boxes and decorate them with ribbon, similar to how I decorated the plain white box below.

Now onto cooking dash...


3 Responses to "Stupid Hills"

Monkey said... November 3, 2008 at 9:47 PM

are you insane? rest that toe!

JV said... November 3, 2008 at 10:27 PM

9:34 with an injury like that??? YOU ARE MY IDOL :)

busy mama said... November 3, 2008 at 11:09 PM

Love the box!