Warp Speed

Friday, January 16, 2009

Ryan and I have been moving at warp speed recently. In the past two months, not only have we gotten married, had two receptions, and gone on our honeymoon, but we've also bought a house. And of course with the house comes a whole other set of obsessions - this time in the flavor of wall paint color, curtain choices, cabinet refinishing, appliance upgrades, etc. My poor brain, I never give it a break. Luckily, Ryan (who has been out of town since Wed) was not around last night to see me feverishly reorganizing our living room furniture at 11pm. Nor did he see me photoshop a picture of our current living room with our new living (pulled from original craigslist posting) in order to see what the new hardwood floors look with our furniture. He would be so sad to know that his poor wife has lost her mind.


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