Mulch Me

Sunday, April 19, 2009

This weekend has been jam packed. Where to begin...

On Friday, Ryan and I were really craving pizza so we drove up to Pizza Port for our usual medium pizza (half jalapeno and green pepper, half pineapple) and buffalo wings. We were hoping to get some beers but as expected, the place was overflowing with patrons and there were no seats available. So we brought our pizza home and ate our faces off.

On Saturday, Ryan and I filled the composter bin with plenty of dried materials (plenty of brown leaves under the bushes out front) and some green material. We've started to add some kitchen scraps so hopefully it'll start doing it's magic soon. The plan is to continue adding until nearly full and then save kitchen scraps in the freezer until the first batch is done. So far the smell isn't bad at all, although I did just add a bunch of old bananas I had in the freezer so we'll see if that's the case after tomorrow's scorching 90 degree temperatures.

At 11am, I went to yoga and felt pretty good considering I hadn't gone in a week due to my strange illness. Afterwards, Mom and Dad picked us up to go to Armstrong's Garden Center in Del Mar. I had a list of things to get: pruning shears (mine were dull), big shears to trim our enormous bird of paradise tree, diamateous earth to kill the ants naturally, insect spray to combat the strange fungus looking thing that is attacking the underside of my precious calla lilies, and lastly more potting soil for my fountain project. I could have stayed there all day but alas we had lives to live (or so Ryan told me).

That night we had a dinner party at Mom and Dad's where I made the mac n cheese recipe that Dad never got to eat because he was out of town the last time. This time, I made a double batch so there would be plenty leftover. Mom made a tasty salad and Kristen and Simon brought over asparagus and beer. We had a great time filled with great conversation (ending with great ice cream).

Today, I was wide awake at 7am, counting the minutes to 8am when I could wake Ryan and go garden without seeming excessively psycho. We were both excited to see that the neighborhood birds had finally discovered the bird feeder we put out. Ryan continues to speculate if the two pictured above are bush tits. Despite some of my garden woes (sad gardenia bushes, dried citrus tree, misc wilted plants), there are many signs of new growth. For example, the mini calla lilies are really popping up and the first vinca flower of the season has emerged!

At 11am, Ryan had his soccer game while I rode my bike to yoga. Man, what a tough but awesome class. I requested we do scorpion against the wall and the teacher helped balance me while I actually got my feet to my head. I could see the top of my toes! Awesome. I'm going to have to keep practicing that one. I could even hold my forearm stand without a wall for 5 seconds. That afternoon, I continued with my garden projects. I replaced the yellow snapdragons with a cute geranium from Armstrong's (much more heat resistant). The snaps will be rehabilitating in a pot. Hopefully I can bring them back. I also planted a bunch of alyssum into this little fountain that came with the house. Since I'm deathly afraid of mosquitoes, I don't like the idea of water just sitting out. What better reuse than as a planter?

That afternoon, Mommy and Uncle arrived, coming to the rescue of my dehydrated garden with buckets and bags of mulch. We hung out for a bit before hitting the garden as a family, laying down the mulch like a team of professionals while Ryan adjusted the sprinklers and finished trimming the big tree. The mulch looks great and I'm much relieved that moisture will be retained from now on. In your face, Summer!

To repay my ridiculously energetic and hard working parents, I made Cajun Chicken Pasta, the first dish I ever cooked for Ryan. So creamy and flavorful. As a side, I sauteed some mixed chards with garlic, and for dessert I made chocolate souffles. This was my first time making souffles and I was pleasantly surprised by how incredibly easy they were. The souffles puffed beautifully and my only regret was that I didn't have vanilla ice cream to spoon into the piping hot middles.

More pictures of garden have been added to garden album.


3 Responses to "Mulch Me"

Monkey said... April 19, 2009 at 10:00 PM

man your weekend sounds incredible. i'm almost done with my dress. i have to insert the zipper and hem the bottom and then i will post...

i love your fountain --> planter idea. it looks so cute!

JV said... April 22, 2009 at 10:52 AM

Your post makes me tired just reading it!!!

Monkey said... April 26, 2009 at 10:33 AM

you forgot to mention that you had only been watering your plants for 1 minute twice a week in 90 degree california desert weather.

and you wondered why your plants were wilting!!