A Good Week Indeed

Saturday, April 10, 2010

This week has been quite a good week.

On the home front, I brought the seeds indoors since they weren’t germinating. I took extra care to keep the soil moist and within days I had sprouts! Hooray! Everything has sprouted except the basil. Maybe it’s a late starter. Once these plants have stabilized I’ll probably try my luck with the thyme and chamomile seeds Monkey gave me last year.

Out in the garden, the sage I grew from seed last year is still slowly, slowly, slowly growing. At least it hasn’t died on me.

The two cat nip plants I also grew from seed are really taking off now that I’ve separated them into their own pots.

Everything is looking on the up and up. The little peaches on the peach tree are fattening up nicely. The calla lilies I thought died from soft rot last year are springing up again.

Even the stargazer lily is emerging. Yay for spring!

On the work front, we found out about our yearly merit increases this week. Couldn’t be happier! I also found a memory leak in our software which is exciting (well exciting for a nerd like me). Am working on fixing it now. Lastly, in another week, I’ll be going our UK office with a group of Illumina folks. Should be an interesting experience! Will be sure to document my travels.

On the food front, we went to La Puerta last night after a long hiatus. As usual, the service was slow and annoying but the food was delicious. Afterwards we went to Ghiradelli for a decadent brownie sundae. Mmmm.

So yes it was a good week. The only bad thing is I had the whooping cough which prevented me from doing my normal exercise routine. I think I’ve kicked it though and am back in the groove.


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