Butternut Squash Galette with Gruyere

Monday, January 23, 2012

This weekend I made a butternut squash galette with gruyere. I found the recipe on Cooks Illustrated and thought it looked quite tasty. The filling was easy to make but the dough took a little extra time. Definitely something you have to be motivated for, but still not too bad. I ended up making too much filling so it was quite stuffed but I didn't mind. Overall, a yummy dish for the weekend. If you want the recipe, just ask and you shall receive.

The rest of this weekend was spent cleaning and organizing the house. We finally got our kitchen back (did I mention our neighbor's pipe burst in our shared wall and we had to have our kitchen and part of the living room gutted and the walls dried? What a pain). I took the opportunity to break in the Indian spice containers that Badge got me as one of my bday gifts. I filled it with all the delicious spices that Maya brought last year. Looking at this has inspired me to cook some Indian food this week. Stay tuned....


1 Response to "Butternut Squash Galette with Gruyere"

Monkey said... January 23, 2012 at 9:34 PM

wow! your galette looks so much yummier than the picture on cook's illustrated. i want to give this a try.