Baby State of Affairs: 10 month

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Baby Burrito turned 10 months last Saturday. I can't believe how quickly the time has flown by! In the last couple of weeks, he's perfected the art of pulling himself up to stand, and gingerly lowering himself back down to seated (rather than plopping down). He's quite a little terror in the walker as he bounces back and froth grabbing anything he can get his hands on. When we let him crawl around on the carpet upstairs, he loves to chase after you like a little bulldog. It's adorable.

Last week, he started waving bye bye which was exciting. We haven't been really diligent about teaching him things so it came as a big surprise. Motivated by this recent trick, I'm now trying to teach him to clap. Other than that, he loves to sit in his playpen and flip through books. I think the color blue is really grabbing his attention these days.

On the food front, he's still eating 3 meals a day. We've started giving him little puffs from Whole Foods. At first, he was confused by the notion of finger foods but now he's become quite a pro in feeding himself. On the sleep front, he's still sleeping 11 hours at night and 2 naps a day (each anywhere from 1-2 hours). Thank God. Getting him to actually fall asleep on his own is still a challenge but if he stays asleep that long, I don't care haha.

In the last month, he's also started to say mama and ah ma (means grandma in Taiwanese). He only really says it when he's upset (like if he's crying because I put him in the crib awake), but hey at least he's saying it! Last weekend, we went to a friend's house for lunch and Max's first experience in the pool. I was nervous that he'd freak out but actually he seemed to really enjoy himself. It probably helped that the pool was super warm. Here's the fam!


1 Response to "Baby State of Affairs: 10 month"

Monkey said... July 7, 2012 at 12:32 PM

i miss max!