Controlled Experiment

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

These last few days, Badge has insisted that Baby Burrito understands what "ball", "car", and "firetruck" mean. I kind of roll my eyes and say it's too early. If he reaches for the ball when Badge says "ball", it's likely coincidence.

Today, we did a controlled experiment where we set all three objects at the far end of the playpen and I held Baby Burrito at the other end. Badge would ask "where's the BALL" a few times, then I'd let baby go. Sure enough, he went to the ball and picked it up. We reset and repeated the experiment multiple times with all three objects. Baby burrito went right to the correct object each time!

Holy $h!t, my baby understands the English language!! Very exciting.


1 Response to "Controlled Experiment"

JV said... July 26, 2012 at 3:31 PM

He's a prodigy! Go Tiger Mom!