Today, I had another yoga breakthrough. There I was doing, the usual rounds of Urdhva Dhanurasana (upward wheel) and on the fourth one I thought I'd try to come up to standing. Here's a video of a man that makes this transition look way too easy.
Now, I've always come very close to completing this but the fear of falling on my head has prevented me from seeing it to completion. Thus I usually wait for the teacher to give me a hand or walk close to the wall so I can give it a small shove for the forward momentum. Today though, I noticed the teacher was helping someone else so I figured, what the hell, just do it (as Sophie would say). So I rocked a few times, energized my legs, and pushed off, miraculously popping up to standing with little effort. That's it? That's what I've been afraid of all this time? I was so happy I did a fist pump in the middle of class.
Also, in yesterday's class (which left me ridiculously sore today), I was able to kick up into Pincha Mayurasana with much greater ease than ever (against the wall of course). It's very encouraging to have these breakthroughs in yoga. Makes me think I'll actually be able to do scorpion one day.
On top of class, I went to the gym at lunch and ran 4 miles at a steady 10min/mile pace. Nothing like double header to help you lose lots of water weight and give you the false pretense of actually losing real weight. Not that that's why I did it (well maybe a little hehe). I'm still trying to figure out my workout schedule to accommodate both running and yoga. I think I've figured something out and posted it on the right. I may end up shuffling things around but for sure I'll do yoga 4x a week and run at least 3x a week, which is what I'm doing now. Thank God tomorrow is a resting day.
Turkey Larb
10 months ago
good god.
you rock! Isn't it nice when we have break throughs