Ryan and I just got back from the escrow firm where we finally signed loan documents - HOORAY! Now, the bank just needs to review the documents, fund the loan, and the transfer of title needs to be recorded. Hopefully that means we'll close mid next week and at last be done with the madness.
Although it looks like smooth sailing from here, I refuse to count my chickens before they hatch. Ryan wanted to celebrate by going downtown and partying till the wee hours but I vetoed the preemptive celebration, conceding only to sushi and sake at the neighborhood sushi joint. Once the deal is sealed, we can go nuts....until then, I sleep with one eye open.
In other news, it looks like my transition to another department at work is moving along so I'm very happy. Also, I heard we might be moving back to HQ building which would be wonderful. No longer will we have to stay in the ghettos! All in all, everything is looking on the up and up - at least until life throws us another curve ball (which it has but I don't even want to think about that yet).
Here's the plan for the weekend:
- buy small dining set for breakfast nook area
- write more thank you cards for wedding gifts
- investigate selling things around the house we don't use/need
- plan housewarming party (possible chow cow potluck style event)
- hit up advanced yoga classes on sat and sun
- invite mom over to try new mac n cheese recipe
Turkey Larb
11 months ago
that mac n cheese is outrageous.
mmmm food! i'm making more tandoori chicken tonight. i'll send you recipe soon.
Yay!!! keeping my fingers crossed. So glad you joined our department.... wish you were in my group.
Congrats on the house!