Worth A Thousand Words

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's a bit late for a long worded post so here are some pictures with short captions instead.

Our star jasmine plants are blooming. What cute flowers. I've been seeing these plants all over the place. Very nice smell.

I fear one day birds will eat our two plump figs before we get a chance to. I hope I don't pluck them too early. Anyway, looks like there might be a third one coming out in the top right. This increases my chances of partaking in a home grown fig.

We refilled the bird feeder. Large blue bird chowing down below.

Baby Sophie in her bouncer. So cute!!

Ryan made us double decker grillers. Healthier than a Big Mac :). Notice how classy we are pairing this meal with red wine.

I recently posted about learning Sayanasana in yoga class. To prove to myself that I could do it again, I tried it at home against the wall. Picture below was taken using flip video.


2 Responses to "Worth A Thousand Words"

busy mama said... May 14, 2009 at 9:06 AM

great job on the pose. You make it look so easy but I know better ;)

JV said... May 18, 2009 at 11:09 PM

You're amazing. Eat another one of those burgers, will ya... you're making me feel inadequate.