On Friday, Badge and I went downtown to catch a movie before dinner plans. We decided to watch District 9, which we'd read great reviews about. It's a very interesting story about aliens living in Johannesburg as second class citizens. Of course there some apartheid parallels, but oh boy was there action. I knew it'd be fast paced, but it was non-stop kick ass scenes (I want to see it again!). The plot was really awesome too, although there was a good bit of violence so I wouldn't recommend the young'uns or the faint of heart. Badge and I left super amped up (almost twitchy), ready to blow some things up with alien weaponry. Luckily we had none available. From there we met up with our friends and Kev and Leslie at Jsix for a tasty high class dinner. I had a delicious organic salad with blue cheese and candied pecans, a trio of heiroom tomatoes and herbed french fries. And of course wine. Mmm wine. Aferwards, we went to Chocolat for some gelato. God I love to eat.
On Saturday, Badge and I went to the Wave House at Mission Beach for the Annual Illumina Summer Party. We caught the shuttle from work and arrived in time to eat some dried up veggie burgers and drink some brewskis. We had a pretty good time chatting with people, playing mini golf and arcade games, and walking along the beach. Good times. For dinner, we met up with Frog and Spike at a Greek restaurant, where I had a falafel platter. I should try making falafels but it seems so daunting, and I am quite lazy.

On Sunday, we woke up at 5:30 to drive to Balboa Park for the AFC 5K (wearing our Frogger running shirts). I gave Badge the go ahead to run ahead and actually race. Amazingly, he ended up running a 7:24 min/mile! Where did that come from?? Sure he plays a lot of soccer but he never actually goes on runs. I'm very proud of him. I wonder how he would do if he just trained for a month? Me, on the other hand - I came in at a meager 9:40 min/mile, which I'm ok with considering I haven't run since Feb (except one run two weeks ago). Afterwards, we met up with Spike, Kris, and Adam to watch the rest of the clan finish the half marathon.
We saw Kev come in at a 6:32 min/mile pace (ridiculous):

Si, who sub'd for Kris because she got sick, came in at a 7:36 min/mile pace (also ridiculous):

And Frog came in strong, running like the seasoned runner that he is. Badge, Kev, and Adam jumped in to join him for the final stretch.

Afterwards, we tried to hit up The Original Pancake house but the wait was too long so we went next door to the Curry house for some Japanese curry. Once we got home, Badge and I took a monster nap. Hopefully I won't be too sore tomorrow.
whoa! how does he run so fast but walk so slow???
Damn woman!