Restaurant Review: Buon Appetito

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Buon Appetito is an Italian restaurant in San Diego's Little Italy. Ryan's parents first introduced us to the restaurant shortly after we moved here and it's been a major addiction ever since. Now I don't typically crave Italian food when I eat out. It tends to be heavy and unoriginal. I'm usually more of a sushi/Thai/Indian fan. However, I love the Capellini alla Checca at Buon Appetito. It's angel hair pasta tossed with a simple sauce of tomatoes, basil, and fresh mozzarella. Something about the freshness, lightness, and balance of the dish demands that I eat it with the fervor of a rabid animal. It's really that good. In addition, you can easily ruin your appetite with the tasty tomato salsa and fluffy table bread they give you as a starter. All in all, it makes for a delicious meal.

Note: San Diego's Little Italy really consists of two lonely blocks on India St.


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