Next Half

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I've signed up for my next half marathon, the Carlsbad half, which is on Jan 25th. It's a while away, which is good since I haven't run more than 3 miles since my last half marathon in April. All the training I did for the La Jolla half has pretty much been wasted and it's back to square one for me *sigh*. Hopefully, I can convince some people to run it with me. I'm sure Kristen, Ryan's sister, would be interested even though she's due to give birth in late Nov. She's still running 6 miles to date! If I were pregnant, I'd be sitting on my butt eating ice cream and possibly steak with A1 sauce and complaining till the cows came home. I'm sure Ryan's brother Kevin would run it too considering he runs 8+ miles regularly and recently won his age division for the Naked Juice run. Fat chance getting Ryan to run though. He abhors long distance running because he has a short attention span. Maybe it will be his wedding present to me hehe. At least I know my friend from work Sophie will run it, so that's plenty of motivation. Training to come in November. Until then, I'll continue doing yoga like a maniac.


1 Response to "Next Half"

Monkey said... August 12, 2008 at 5:57 AM

good god. i wheezed my way through 2.4 miles last night and my body feels like it got hit by a train. good job for running 5! you are definitely not back at square one...