Fig Heaven

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I went home for lunch today and per my usual routine, I ran outside to check the progress of my beloved plants. Lo and behold, my figs were turning brown! Finally!!

Jumping for joy, I gave the fattest one a gentle squeeze - it was like squeezing the Pilsbury doughboy - so soft and plump. Unfortunately, the fig was not 100% brown. It still had a good it of green...what to do...

After wringing my hands and agonzing over the decision, I decided to just go for it. There was another fat fig ripening up at the same rate so even if this one was not ripe, I had a backup. Plucking the fig and rushing to the kitchen to slice it up, I finally settled on the table to sample my first homegrown fig.

Oh man. So juicy. So sweet. Did not disappoint! As soon as I finished savoring my slices, I was wishing for 10 more. Of course, I shared my bounty with Badge but I could tell he was a bit weirded out by the texture (this is the man who won't eat tomatoes because they are "slimy"). Perhaps he won't want any figs from now and I can hoard them all for myself muhahahah...

On a side note, we randomly pulled a radish that was growing out of the ground, just so we could see what it looked like. Here it is. It looks like a baby radish indeed. Oh and since we're talking about food, I contacted Seabreeze Organic Farms to find out when our first CSA delivery is arriving: this Thursday! Can't wait.

Lastly, I'd like to mention that there have been bunny sightings at work. My coworker first spotted the family of bunnies, including some white baby bunnies, yesterday hanging out on the lawn next to our work gym. Intrigued, I rode my bike over on my way home. Sure enough, I saw 4 or 5 brown bunnies just hanging out on the lawn like it ain't no thang. No white babies though. I considered trying to kidnap one but a) I don't particularly like bunnies as pets b) how would I restrain it while riding my bike c) what if it had rabies? Wishing them luck, I went home in peace. This morning, I drove by the area but no bunny in sight. Once in the office, two coworkers informed me that they had indeed captured a bunny yesterday and given it to some woman who specialized in bunny fostering. Stranger yet, one of the said coworkers had a cage on hand to capture the bunny with. I didn't ask. In the afternoon, my coworker said she spotted a white bunny again at lunchtime. Once more, I stopped by on my way home, but no bunnies to be had. Hopefully, they are all found and given to good homes. Otherwise, I'm sure they'll make a coyote or hawk somewhere a nice meal :(.


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