Garden Update

Friday, August 21, 2009

It's been a while since I posted a garden update so here it is. The above picture is of a siam tulip which finally bloomed! Interesting looking flower. I'm glad I didn't throw away the bulbs earlier this year when I accidentally unearthed them.

Here are our baby zucchinis. The first zucchini turned yellow and died before it matured so I'm crossing my fingers that these will be ok. I have a feeling we planted these too late in the year. Hopefully they'll make it through.

Unfortunately, several zucchini plants have powdery mildew which might be part of the reason they're aborting my little zucchinis. Apparently, zucchini and squash plants are very susceptible to this pest. I'm too lazy to go buy neem oil so I'm going to try a home remedy I read online: strongly brewed chamomile tea. Wish me luck.

Chili plants are coming along nicely.

Remember the cuttings I took of neighborhood geranium and lantana plants? Well they're both doing quite well. The geranium is even flowering. Soon I'll be able to plant these directly into the ground. Yay for propogation!

Also, one of the figs is starting to brown. If Monkey is lucky maybe it'll be ripe by the time she gets here. I'm willing to ration with her.


2 Responses to "Garden Update"

JV said... August 21, 2009 at 10:22 PM

Great garden pics. I like District 9 too. You're kicking my ass at timely postings. No, we never said it was a competition, but... come on... everything is a competition. Ha ha.

Monkey said... August 22, 2009 at 4:48 PM

maybe you can just eat the baby zucchinis?

i think the small ones taste better anyway.