But I digress.
On Sunday, I dragged myself to yoga. It was a good tough class so I got my sweat on. Afterwards, we went over to Spike and Frog's for the Gordon Holiday party. We spent two hours snacking and drinking wine and beer. During this time, we opened our secret santa gifts. Kris was my secret santa and she got me a cute gingerbread man apron and a clutch. Badge and I got Kris and Si a rice cooker. Frog got Badge a book and a hilarious adult onesie, which actually just arrived in the mail today. Everyone got something fun, including little Sophie and Alexandra. Too cute. Once the whole gang arrived, we ordered pizza and rounded out the meal with a chocolate chip ice cream cake, chocolate turtles, and pecan pie.
On Monday, Badge and I both went into work to get stuff done. That afternoon, Riley took the scooter for a spin and then the three of us went downtown to bowl at East Tavern Bowling. Unfortunately, there was a league scheduled to play that night so we only got one game in, although in retrospect that was probably a good thing since we all sucked pretty badly (as in barely broke 50...oops). Afterwards, we went to an Irish pub for a glass of Guiness (luckily Riley was not carded) and then met up with Dog, Kimbo, and Kimbo's mister friend for dinner at La Puerta. Guacamole, burritos, tacos, and beers. Yum-o. Once home, we watched the Chappelle show on dvd.

On Tues, Badge and I both went into work AGAIN. While there, I noticed my title change went through whoo hoo. I'm officially a senior software engineer yay! Merry Christmas to me. In the early afternoon, I went to Normal Heights for my hair cut appointment. The salon, called Hair Drezzers on Fire, was a random find on Yelp but they had great reviews and seemed to have a funky hipster style. My stylist was Sarah and she was nice although a little talkative. I don't mind some chit chat but mostly I want to just sit in silence and enjoy the pleasure of getting my hair done. We agreed that I had excess hair at the back (aka mullet) from growing out my previous cut so she trimmed it back into a nice little bob. Great cut. Kinda looks like the cut on the front page of their website. Will definitely go back to her next time (pic of me further down). For dinner, we met up with the family again at Ashoka the Great for Indian food. It happened to be buffet night so I chose that option. Two plates and a dessert plate later, I was stuffed. We then attempted to see Avatar at the Hazard Center (we didn't end up seeing it last Sat) but the theater seemed small and crowded. Instead we came home, booked tickets to see it on imax tomorrow and played two games of settlers of cataan. I won but I know Riley and Badge will be back with a vengence the next game. Bring it on!!
Today, we went to the zoo with the family. Unfortunately, the rest of San Diego had the same idea to visit the zoo during the holidays. It was packed! Especially full of screaming children. Here are some of my fav shots.

Children's petting zoo.
Me with new hair smiling too hard next to a pheasant.
Tonight, the boys went to a San Diego Sockers game at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Who knew we had a professional indoor soccer team? And finally, I end this post with a fab and slightly psychotic picture of Badge in his dinosaur onesie. More pictures of Riley's visit posted here.

oh man, i love that kangaroo picture. (it was a kangaroo right?)
it's a walibi. he looked so glum and down in the dumps, i had to take a pic.
Great photos! Those little girls are so cute! And Badge's dino jammies are...well... nice.
The zoo! I just went for the first time in years, too. I think it's what parents do--I've never seen so many families with young kids gathered in one place in my life, other than at a school. But I'm really sad that I never went to the SD Zoo while at UCSD! I'm so dumb!