Baby State of Affairs: 6 months

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Last Wednesday, Max turned 6 months old! We took him to the doctor's and here are his stats:

Weight: 19.10 lbs (85%)
Height: 28 inches (93%)
Head: 17.25 inches (53%)

This has been a great month (minus the week and a half where Max got really sick). He's been sitting up more and more and rolling around like mad. He loves to do small scooting motions. It's super cute.

Around 5.5 months, we started him on some rice cereal. Just a tablespoon a day mixed with some breastmilk. About a week ago, I roasted and pureed up some butternut squash we got from the farmers market, and he seemed to really enjoy the taste of that. Strangely, he stopped pooping last Tuesday which had us a bit concerned but after talking to the nurse today, he finally pooped an enormous diaper full (four and a half days later). And boy, has the consistency and SMELL changed after he started eating solid. No more are the mild manner poos of a exclusively breastfed baby. No sirree. I won't go into detail but let's just say both Badge and I were floored.

Just recently he seems to have gone down to 2 naps a day. At night he sleeps 10-11 hours, sometimes with a night feeding, sometimes not. Lately, he randomly cries until someone goes in and rocks him back to sleep. We think he's teething since he is drooling a LOT and chewing on anything in sight. At his appt, the ped thought he'd sprout teeth within the next 3 weeks or so.

Otherwise things are going very well. He's just about the cutest little thing ever. There are still stressful moments of course, but overall everything seems more manageable. Happy birthday baby burrito!


1 Response to "Baby State of Affairs: 6 months"

Monkey said... March 4, 2012 at 2:44 PM

i'm SO SO SO glad you didn't post a picture of the poop.