
Thursday, November 13, 2008

After four days, we finally have some sprouts! Sure enough, our little seedlings are spreading their wings and leaving the nest. We've brought them inside where it's warmer so hopefully they'll start growing faster.

Here's a look at the tissue pom I made with tissue paper I already had on hand. It wasn't too difficult to assemble but the size is enormous. I think it might look strange to have such a bulbous ornament hanging from the tree but I dunno. I think once the ivory paper comes in, I'll experiment with smaller sizes. I like mini things so maybe I'll make lots of small ones and dangle more. Must consult with Sophie, my design advisor...

Tomorrow Ryan and I plan to go shopping for an electric bicycle at lunchtime. We've decided to sell my car since I never drive it much and put the proceeds to good use, i.e. house. We live close enough to my company that I could easily ride a normal bike but there's a hill and lord knows I need to get off and walk my bike at the first sign of an incline. So pathetic.


1 Response to "Sprouts!"

JV said... November 14, 2008 at 8:00 AM

Love the Pom and sprouts-- Fun!