
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Today, I made my glorious return to yoga!

Well actually, it wasn't that glorious. My butt feels marginally better but still hurts like a bitch, particularly in forward bends like Prasarita Padottanasana. Ugh, this is seriously annoying.

After class I chatted with my yoga teacher who thought it sounded less like a butt injury and more like a hamstring injury. More specifically, he thought I probably pulled the tendon connecting my hamstring to the sit bone. A common yoga injury caused by overstretching, says he. Once home, I manically searched the internet and found this article on yoga journal that describes my injury well.

Yes folks, I've officially diagnosed myself with tendonitis at the ischial tuberosity...sad. I guess I'll keep going to yoga but really take it easy on my hamstrings (even though it hurts my pride because I always want to kick ass at yoga). Patience...patience.

On the bright side, Monkey is coming to SD on Friday and my mom shortly after. Hooray!


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