Buckeye and Bearcat

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Surprise surprise, I'm behind on my post. A couple weeks ago, Buckeye and Bearcat came to visit for a week from Oh-hi-oh. We ate, we laughed (no crying), and we ate some more. Here are some pictures in no particular order (many more to be found here)

Birthday dinner for Dog in Old Town.

Awesome dog wine from Luna. Note: when I say dog wine, I mean dog-themed wine, not wine made by dogs.

Homecooked meal another night. These grass fed steaks were cooked by flashlight outside on our grill. Delicious.

Settlers. Need I say more?

Playtime with Truffles and Choffies (two most hyper dogs in the world). Can you spot Choffies in this pic?

Take another look.

Happiest dog ever.

Hilarious pic of Choffies mid jump.

Extraordinary desserts.

Rock climbing (pics courtesy of Spike).

The end!


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